
MOVIE : Danny’s Game (Betta Fish) (2020)

MOVIE : Danny's Game (Betta Fish) (2020)


Director : Bill Cooper

Genres: Drama

Stars: Joshua Ungaretti , Ava Justin , Mike Bredon , Megan McNamara

Runtime: 1 h 16 min

Release Year : 2020

Language: English

Subtitle: English

DOWNLOAD FULL HD MOVIE : Danny’s Game (Betta Fish) (2020) [MP4]

Danny Bishop is a prodigy at gambling.

He returns to his brothers home after exiling himself to jail only to find himself back in the game because of a large debt in prison for his protection.

He is opposed to a tournament by a group of high stakes gamblers including his vicious rival Alex.

The story is a delicate balance between game tension and his brother’s strained relationship.


VIEW ALSO : MOVIE : Ancestral World (2020) [DOWNLOAD]

Watch “Danny’s Game (Betta Fish)” Trailer video/Download Movie below :