
Transgender male gets pregnant and welcome baby boy

Transgender male gets pregnant and welcoming baby boy

Transgender male gets pregnant and welcoming baby boy

Transgender male gets pregnant and welcome baby boy

In February 2018, Wyley A 28 years old transgender male discovered that he was pregnant for his fiance, Sephan Gaeth, while he was still transitioning to be a man.

Wyley had started testosterone in 2012 and had not been having the monthly period for many years after that, he did not believe it was possible for him to conceive.

At first, the very thought of getting pregnant as a man crippled him.

Wyley gave birth to a son in September 2018, through emergency C-section.

It wasn’t easy for Wyley when he was pregnant,


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Because a lot of people abused and insulted him.

With regards to this,

Transgender male gets pregnant and welcome baby boy

Wyley said: “It’s not every day that someone sees a pregnant man walking down the road so we received a fair amount of abuse.

I would be told that I’ll never be a man, ‘men don’t carry babies’ and everyone called me ‘it’.”

Wyley who still has female reproductive organs said the pregnancy also affected psychologically and emotionally.

He said: “Having gone through the transitioning process since I was 21-years-old, having a physical baby bump was something so feminine that it messed with my head.”

However, after delivery, all of Wyley’s worries seemed to get quelled.

Not only was he happy that he and his partner has a baby of their own, the initial worries about not being a man also died down.

“Once my physical bump had disappeared and I was able to take my hormones again, I felt good about everything,” he explained.

“Now myself and Stephan are just reveling in fatherhood and can’t wait to continue our journey as a family.”

Although Wyley and his partner were happy to have a child of there own, Wyley said he did not think he and his partner wanted another child.

Because of this, he plans to fully transition into a male.

Read what he said below:

“I am looking to fully transition in the future, so the likelihood of having another child naturally is unlikely,”

“It was a great feeling to be able to carry Rowan, feeling him kick and going to baby scans, but for me as a person, it isn’t something I can continue to do.”

“I don’t see myself as any less of a man because of what happened, but I just do not identify in such a feminine way as to be pregnant – so it won’t be happening again.”