
Betting on Table Tennis for Beginners: Tips and Tricks to Get You Started

In the world of sports betting, we typically hear about sports like basketball, tennis, and football. What about table tennis, though?

Although this kind of sport is not as widespread as the few mentioned above, it is nevertheless very well-liked by some bettors.

This sport is well-known for being very accessible; anyone can learn it easily, there are opportunities for players of all ages, and it is excellent for keeping up with an active lifestyle.

Should you wish to play competitively or watch table tennis games, there are tournaments available for players of all ages and skill levels.

However, let us examine the potential of this kind of sport for the betting market and give you an introduction to the top table tennis betting strategies.


About Table Tennis

Let us start by examining the fundamentals of table tennis and its background.

Early in the 20th century, table tennis, also known as “ping-pong,” was popularized by the upper class in Victorian England as an after-dinner game.

There was no possibility of reaching and getting some useful tips for this game at the time, but people still enjoyed this thrilling sport without any technologies.

To the best of our knowledge, the first game would have been played with books serving as the net, cigar boxes serving as bats, and a champagne cork serving as the ball.

Table tennis was then considered to be a luxury diversion for the upper classes.

Hungary hosted its first national championships in 1897. After that, the first celluloid ball was introduced, which signaled the start of the game’s evolution because it was significantly lighter than the rubber balls.

Following that, the first European Championships were held in 1907 and were incredibly successful and well-liked.

Since table tennis was added to the Olympic program in 1988 in Seoul, it has been a major international sporting event.

Nowadays, men and women compete in both singles and doubles formats.


It is imperative to note, though, that the  popularity of this sport is especially high in Asia, which has had a significant impact on its global expansion.

Millions of people play table tennis in Chinese and Japanese workplaces, schools, and public places.

1# Learn the Rules

Without a doubt, the best advice we could give you is to get some knowledge about the fundamentals and game rules before putting your first wager.

It is essential that you have complete confidence in your understanding of how the game operates on the inside.

The first things you should do are get acquainted with the equipment used in the sport, learn how to score points in table tennis, and comprehend the regulations regarding service and return, as well as the different styles of play.

These are the most fundamental guidelines that you should be aware of before you wager on this type of sport.

We can also suggest that you broaden your knowledge about the sport and its place in the sports world rather than just sticking to the rules.

This is another straightforward but helpful suggestion. We encourage you to stay up to date on elite athletes, events, and all sports-related news.

In this manner, your comprehension of the sport will improve, and you will be able to place more accurate wagers.

2# Analyze Players and Performances

Your ability to make more informed decisions and precise predictions will be substantially enhanced by keeping an eye on past games, performances, and player stats.

It will assist you in figuring out players’ tactics, which will help you comprehend their advantages, disadvantages, and playing philosophies.

You can gain an advantage when betting on table tennis matches by examining a player’s previous matches, as this can give you an idea of how they might perform in the upcoming games.

This advice applies to all sports, not just table tennis, as the key to improving your betting experience is having the right knowledge and analytical abilities.

We can also suggest that you monitor the players’ achievements, and more specifically, the tactics that have enabled them to succeed, that you are examining.

Similar to players in classic tennis, table tennis players have distinct playing styles that should be evaluated before making any wagers.

Here are some of the most popular official playing styles known in table tennis.

  • Forehand looper
  • Two-sided attacker
  • Counter-driver
  • All-rounder
  • Chopper

3# Try Betting on the Underdog

Avoiding betting on your favorite player and instead choosing to support the underdog is an intriguing strategy in table tennis betting.

It is common knowledge that bettors are frequently swayed by their feelings and moral convictions, but occasionally, taking a small chance and risking a bit can pay off.

It does not, however, imply that you should ignore situational analysis and always back the underdog. Before making a wager, examining the underdog’s record against comparable opponents is critical.

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You can identify if the underdog has a genuine chance of winning by looking at some of the less famous players’ prior results and identifying any of their strengths.

Do not ignore less well-liked players who might emerge as unexpected winners. Numerous lesser-known players in this discipline have shown they are capable of defeating more well-known figures in the industry.

Watching up-and-coming athletes and taking calculated risks when betting on them as underdogs can help bettors potentially win big in this highly specialized and unpredictable sport.


In summary, even though table tennis is regarded as a very specialized sport, it is not all that dissimilar from other sports. It resembles classic tennis quite a bit, with a few obvious exceptions – like the rackets and ball size.

You will undoubtedly need to be well-versed in both table tennis specifics and sports betting in general if you decide to stick with table tennis as your sports betting option.

As it is more exciting and will give you much more experience, we can only advise you to educate yourself as much as possible and learn by practicing. Enjoy your betting journey!